Every student should be proficient in English and Math. Currently 34% of AUSD students are not proficient in English and 43% of students are not proficient in Math. A strategic focus should be proficiency in reading by the 3rd grade. Students learn to read through 3rd grade and then read to learn after that.
See data http://www.ed-data.org/district/Alameda/Alameda-Unified.
Every teacher should be supported in the classroom. We must provide salaries and benefits that attract and retain teachers.
See how new teachers can be supported: https://edsource.org/2023/how-schools-can-keep-new-teachers-from-burning-out-and-quitting/689436.

Keep parents informed about student's completion of college course requirements and provide non-college career options. See California's master plan to transform career education: https://edsource.org/2024/california-eyes-master-plan-to-transform-career-ed/712574.
Academic Excellence
Support our Teachers
College and Career Readiness

Reopen Bay Farm Middle School
In February 2023 the school board voted to close Bay Farm Middle School. Bay Farm is the only middle school on Bay Farm Island which forces parents to leave Bay Farm in order for students to attend middle school. Bay Farm is also a small middle school, an option for those kids not ready for a large middle school. The costs savings of $300K is small - just 2/10th of 1% of the school budget. The community was only given a one month notice of the closing and was left out of the conversation.

Advanced Placement Class Access
Advanced placement (AP) classes are critical for admission to many colleges. Since more students apply for AP classes than there are class placements available, the process of selection should be transparent. The school district should also keep data about how many students request AP classes vs the placements available. Given the difficulty of AP classes, set academic standard for placement in AP classes.

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